This particular type of tomatoes is also called micro tomatoes. There cultivars are genetically developed for their compact size. The funny thing is that all parts of the plant, the stem, the leaves and the fruit are smaller than typical garden dwarf varieties. This particular type of tomatoes are ideal for growing in a sunny window, apartment balcony or sunny porch step. The growing of mini tomatoes is a great way to introduce children to gardening. The mini tomato really contains plenty of fiber, as well as vitamins and lycopene, an antioxidant that lowers the risk of certain diseases. If you are adding homegrown fresh mini tomatoes in your salads, cocktails and sandwiches, you're already winning the health game.
The planting of the Mini Tomatoes
Mini tomato plant is an edible plant.
Sprouts in: One to two weeks.
Plant duration: eight to seventeen weeks.
The temperature range: 20 °C–35 °C.
In some case you can speed up the germination process by raising the temperature to 79°F (26°C).
By peradventure if multiple seeds germinate in each pod, you can leave one seedling to grow per plant pod to ensure enough space and nutrients for the plant to grow.
One thing about tomatoes is that they love warmth and they hate sudden temperature changes e.g. cool breeze. Tomatoes grow well, however, in hot climates and at a temperatures of about 86°F (30°C).
Make sure you do not cut or prune your Mini Tomato plant before fruiting – actually it will form flowers and fruits at the top of the plant.
When the plant is flowering, it's little yellow flowers really need to be pollinated by hand to produce fruit. You can do this by gently shaking your plants to mimic a bee or you can use your hand or a small brush to carry pollen from one blossom to the next.
Some of the varieties of mini tomatoes
The following are some of the varieties of mini tomatoes:
  1. The micro tom tomato variety: The micro tom tomato variety is the variety that started it all. It was bred at the University of Florida. The micro tom tomato variety grows only 5-8 inches tall and bears tasty 1-inch fruit.
  2. The micro tina tomato variety: This variety is slightly larger than her brother Tom, this variety produces a true tomato that is the size of a cherry.
  3. The micro gemma tomato variety: This particular tomato variety fruit is golden, full fleshed and also richly flavored.
Starting a commercial Tomatoes farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Tomatoes farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Tomatoes farming book click the button below.

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