According to history Cabbage originated from Southern Europe. The botanical name for Cabbage is Brassica oleracea capitata. Without been told Cabbage is really a cool season crop and it can be really very difficult for farmers who don’t have experience to grow it during the hot months, because there are a lot of insects around to attack the Cabbage plant. This particular plant is a hardy biennial plant grown as a cool-weather annual plant that can tolerate frost but not heat.
Furthermore, there is a large market for Cabbage. A lot of commercial Cabbage farmers are really generating good cash from there Cabbage farm.
Basic requirements for growing Cabbage
  1. The soil requirement: This particular plant grows in almost all types of soil. Cabbage thrives in a well-drained, fertile soil that is rich in organic matter. The soil ph of growing Cabbage is between 6.5 to 7.
  2. The climatic requirement: This plant actually prefers cool, humid weather. Cabbage can be grown year round as long as you plant the right varieties. Cabbage can survive temperatures below 0°C but grows optimally in the range between 15°C and 20°C. Don’t forget that high temperatures and low moisture levels can actually result to small plants and a low yield. This particular plant actually needs about 400 mm to 500 mm of rainfall, although depending on the climate and the length of growing season.
  3. The sowing of the Cabbage seed: You can sow the Cabbage seed in a nursery and later transplant it to a fine seedbed three to four weeks later. You have to make shallow furrows 15 cm apart and a finger nail deep and then sow the seeds 5 cm apart in the row. Make sure you cover it lightly and compress it with your hand.
  4. The transplanting of Cabbage: Try and make sure you irrigate the land before you transplant and it should be when the plants are about 10 cm high. Make sure you transplant during the cooler times of the day into a prepared holes. Immediately they are in you can press down firmly and also tamp down the soil around the plant.
  5. The spacing of plant: Under normal condition the planting distance actually depends on the cabbage and the target market. Some Cabbage varieties with big heads need more space than the smaller Cabbage varieties. For the small head varieties you can plant 30 cm apart in the row with 50 cm between the rows. For the big head varieties you can plant 50 cm apart in the row and 70 cm between the rows.
Starting a commercial Cabbage farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Cabbage farming you can purchase the CABBAGE FARMING book on Amazon Store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Cabbage from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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