The surti buffalo breed has a rusty brown to silver-grey coat color, some also have black or brown color skin, the medium sized body is well shaped, wedge shaped barrel, it also has long head with prominent eyes, and also sickle shaped horns and brown or black skin color. The surti buffalo gives an average milk of about 900-1300ltr per lactation and the milk also contain about 8-12% fat content.
The feeding management
Make sure you give food to this breed only when it is required. Anytime you want to give them leguminous fodder make sure you first add straw or add more amount of another type of fodder which will help them for good digestion. The following are the required amount of feed:
Some of the neccessary nutrients are Phosphorus, Energy, Protein, Calcium,  Vitamin A.
The feed distribution
1. Giving them grain: These are Maize /Wheat, Barley/ Oats/ Millet.
2. Giving them cake oilseeds: These are Peanuts, Sesame, Soybean, Flax/ cotton seeds/ Mustard, Sunflower.
3. Giving them by product: These are wheat bran/ polished rice/ polished rice without oil.
4.    Giving them metals: These are salt, scrap metal.
You can also give them cheap food like industrial and animal waste;
1.Giving them  left over waste from alcohol industries.
2. Giving them spoiled potatoes.
3. Giving them dry excreta of birds.
How to care for the breed
The shelter Requirement: If you actually want to get a better performance, you need to provide a favourable environment for the animals. Providing shelter for the animals is very necessary, this will  protect them from heavy rainfall, strong sunlight, snowfall, frost and parasites. Try and make sure that clean air and water facility is there in the selected shelter. Make sure the space for food is very big and open according to the number of animals so that they can eat feed very easily. Also make sure that the drain pipe of the animals waste is about 30-40cm wide and 5-7cm deep.
How to care for the pregnant animals: Make sure you give the pregnant buffalo 1kg or more of feed, the reason is because they are growing physically.
How to care for the calves: Make sure you remove the phlegm or mucous immediately from the nose or mouth after the birth. By peradventure if the calf is not taking breath, make sure you provide them with artificial respiration by compression and relaxing their chest with the hands. Also make sure you cut the umbilical cord by tying the naval 2-5 cm away from the body. Make sure you also clean the umbilical stump with the help of 1-2% iodine.
Some of the recommended vaccines

Immediately after 7-10 days of birth, you can dehorn the calf with electrical method. Make sure deworming is done at regular interval of 30 days. Also make sure viral respiratory vaccine is given to 2-3 weeks old calves. Don’t also forget to give Clostridial vaccination to 1-3 months old calves.

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