This particular breed is a small sized animal. This particular breed is the most common breed of pig used in some country. The Yorkshire pig breed is known for its heavy milk production and for low fat content meat production. The large white Yorkshire pig breed body is white in color and it has a black pigmented spots on the body. The Yorkshire pig breed have longer legs with a moderately long head and a slightly dished face and also a pricked ears, they also have light and long shoulders. Matured Yorkshire pig breed bow weigh about 300-400kg and the mature sow is about 230-320kg. It is used mainly for the purpose of cross breeding. The Yorkshire pig breed has a hardy nature which gets well adapted to different climatic conditions.
The Feeding management in Yorkshire pig breed
One thing about pigs is that they need the feed that are nutritious as well as the one that can satisfy their hunger. And again pigs also love to eat fresh food. Pig really enjoy variety of food that have variety of textures and taste. One thing again about Pigs is that they can eat wide variety of food such as fruit, water plants, nuts, meat, bush and all kinds of vegetables especially cabbage. Pig really also love to eat soil for the taste and texture. One thing about pig is that they eat an average of 2-3kg of food per day. In pig raising diet vary upon age and weight of the pig. Make sure there is grains and protein supplement in the pig diet. Some of the healthy diets of pig which fulfill their requirements are mixture of cassava, sorghum, oat, wheat, rice, cotton seed cake, fish meal, meat meal, maize bran, pre-mixed vitamins and water. Don’t forget that Vitamin B12 as a supplement is really necessary in their diet. Don’t also forget to give them mineral supplements to ensure good growth.
How to Feed the boars
The feeding of the boar actually depend upon their age and condition. Under normal condition a normal boar actually requires 2-2.5kg concentrate/100kg weight. pigs that are kept indoors must be given  green feed.
How to feed the female pigs
In the female pig diet vitamins, minerals and protein content must be in their diet. Don’t forget that during pregnancy their feed must be increased 1-2 before mating. In the case of the sow they require about 2.5-3kg concentrate/100kg weight.
How to feed the weaner piglets
Make sure a nourishing diet which is called as creep feed is given to the piglets. Also make sure a 10kg of creep feed is given to each piglet before reaching the age of eight weeks. 
How to care for the breed
The pigs living requirement: Make sure you select a suitable land which is free from noise and also calm for your pig farm. Also make sure that all the necessary facilities which is necessary for pig farm is there in selected land. Also make sure that there is a nearby markets and veterinary service close to the farm. Make sure you choose a land that has a good ventilation system, suitable weather and all the necessary facilities.
How to care for the pregnant sow: Don’t forget that breeding is mainly done when the male and the female pigs are about 8 months old. Immeditely after breeding, gestation period remain for an average of 115 days and they can easily give birth to eight to twelve piglets.  Also don’t forget that a special attention is required to the pregnant sow. Make sure a separate area, feed and water is given to the pregnant sow for 1 week before farrowing.
How to care for the newborn piglets: Immeditely after farrowing the piglets must be kept in warm place. Make sure the mucous of each piglet are cleaned with soft cloth. Immedietly after cleaning, a navel cord must be removed and the stumps must be cleaned with iodine. Make sure the clipping of 4 pairs of sharp teeth is done as they help to prevent injury to teats or udder. Also make sure a dry feed is given to the piglets at 2-3 weeks of age.
Some of the recommended vaccines for pig: In other to ensure a good health for the pigs a proper vaccines at proper the time should be given to the pigs. Also an updated vaccines is required to maintain a good health. Deworming vaccines are required once in every year. The following are the major vaccines or medicines that are required for maintaining the pig’s good health:
  1. An iron injection of @1ml and 2ml respectively is given on the neck muscle 3 and 10 days after birth of the piglet.
  2. Also again within 24 hours of birth an oral iron paste that contains iron must be put in the mouth of the piglet.
  3. Make sure you vaccinate the pig when they are about two to four weeks old to prevent from swine.
  4. You can also give them wood ash, this is an important minerals to the pigs.
  5. A Feed compost that has good quality can be given daily for good health.
Starting a commercial Pig farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Pig farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Pig farming book click the button below.

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