One thing about Grape is that they are not restricted to a particular climatic condition. Grape can really flourish best in a hot or warm temperature. Some of the climatic condition in various areas of the country really favors the cultivation of Grapes. 
The Land preparation for Grape farming
Grapes can planted in the backyard. Although you can still venture into a commercial Grape farming which involve massive production. One thing about Grapes is that they do badly in water-logged atmosphere. As a Grape farmer you need to provide a suitable drainage system on the farmland to reduce water logging.
The Planting of the Grape
Without been told the perfect planting season for grapes is between October and March. This period is the dry season and it is also in this period of time there is sufficient exposure to sun and warm temperatures that the grape vine really requires.
Furthermore, this plant does not actually need much rain in place where rainfall is less than 500mm per annum. This plant do not need an excessive amount of water, under normal condition the yearly rainfall in the regions in which they are cultivated should not be greater than 900mm.
One of the very first things to do before planting the grapes is to erect a support or a wall socket. Immediately after planting the seed you need to cover the soil with a thick mulch of well decomposed mulch or compost. In grape cultivation the required temperature is about 15 to 40C.
Furthermore the adding of manure and the watering of the soil is very important for the rise of the grape vines. Make sure the spacing between vine rows is about 2 to 3 metre and the spacing within row is about 1 to 1.5 m. With this manner, you will have around 5000 per hectare of plantation property.
Without been told the training of grape vines is a significant activity during farming. Under normal condition this is supposed to be performed on trellis at least 2 times per year. Also pruning needs to be performed when training.
The harvesting of the Grape
One thing about Grapes is that they do not have a certain harvest date. You can harvest the berries in any time of the year. In Grape farming the financial return depend upon the amount, although it is possible to crop up to 50 kg per hectare annual. Under normal condition the vines keep generating for as many as 15 years.
Starting a commercial Grape farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Grape farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Grape cultivation book click the button below.

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