Goat is like any other livestock animal that also faces some disease challenges. The following are some of the disease that attack Goat and how to prevent it.
 1.The Anthrax disease in Goat: This disease is caused by bacteria. The symptoms you will observe in the Goat are sudden fever and death of the Goat. You will also observe a dark color bloody discharge from their natural orifice such as the anus, nose and vagina. One of the ways to prevent this disease is to vaccinate once in a year on the affected area. Make sure you dispose the carcass either by burying or burning.
  2.The Brucellosis disease in Goat: This disease is caused by bacteria. What you will observe is an infertility, scrotal swelling in the male Goat. Also the joint of the Goat will be swelling. To prevent this kind of disease is to make sure you dispose dead foetus and placenta. Don’t forget to use gloves when handling infected items because this disease can affect human beings.
 3.The Haemorrhagic Septicemia disease in Goat: This disease is caused by bacteria. What you will observe on the Goat are Fever, dysentery, and also swelling of the lower mandible. This disease can cause death. One of the ways to prevent this disease is to vaccinate the Goat once in a year before the onset of rainy season.
 4.The Enterotoxaemia disease in Goat: This disease is caused by bacteria. What you will see is the sudden death of the young growing kids. You will also see mucous diarrhea on the Goat during death. One of the ways to prevent this disease is to vaccinate the Goat once in a year before the onset of monsoon. Make sure you don’t feed them with young grass.
 5.The Foot rot disease in Goat: This disease is caused by bacteria. What you will observe is wound on the foot region. One of the ways to prevent this disease is to keep the Goat in a dry clean house.
 6.The Mastitis disease in Goat: What you will observe is the swelling of the udder. There will be change in milk. One of the ways to prevent this disease is to always clean the shed and also wash the udder with a disinfectant solution.

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