One of the most familiar domestic animal is Sheep. A weather that is dry and an environment that is cold is very suitable for sheep raising. One of the main characteristics of this animal is that is body is fully covered with fur. There skin and fur are really very valuable. This particular animal are really not milk productive like other animal like goat. Today there are a lot of sheep breeds around the world. On this article we are going to look at some of the major Sheep breeds.
Different types of Sheep breeds
The following are some of the different type of Sheep breeds;
  1. The Merino sheep breeds: The particular breed originated from Spain. The Merino Sheep breeds has actually spread round the world. The Merino Sheep breed are very famous for hair production. The male sheep of this breed can produce about 8-15 kg why the female can produce about 5-10 kg wool per year. There wool are very long and they are high quality. The mouth and legs of this breed are white colored. The male sheep of this breed has horns why the female has no horns. This breed whole body are covered with hair.
  2. The Rambouillet sheep breeds: The Rambouillet sheep breeds came from Marino sheep. There head are big size. This breed ears are surrounded by white hair. The male sheep of this breed can weigh about 110-125 kg why the female can weigh about 70-90 kg. The whole body of this breed are covered with hair, Including the mouth and the legs.
  3. The Cheviot sheep breeds: This particular breed originated from Scotland. The Cheviot sheep breeds are very beautiful to look. There ears are very straight. Also there mand legs are bright white. This breed nose, lips and legs are really blackish. The male of this breed can weigh about 80 kg why the female can weigh 55 kg. This breed legs, hip and thighs are very fleshy. The Cheviot sheep breeds can produce about 2.5-3.5 kg wool annually.
  4. The Southdown sheep breeds: This particular breed is a very old species of Britain. The Southdown sheep breed was made artificially. This breeds are small in size. There head are comparatively wide. The adult male of this breed can weigh about 80 kg why the female can weigh about 55 kg. The color of the mouth of this breed is slightly brown. The Southdown sheep breeds usually gain sexual maturity earlier. The meat of this breed is very tasty. This breed can produce about 2-3 kg fur every year.
  5. The Leicester sheep breeds: The Leicester sheep breeds originated from England. This particular breeds are medium sized. There mouth and legs are very clean. There hair are very long.
  6. The Lincoln sheep breeds: This particular breeds are very big in size. There head are wide. Also there ears are thick.
  7. The Karakul sheep breeds: The Karakul sheep breeds are highly hair productive breed. The Karakul sheep breed male has horns why the female has no horns. The male of this breed can weigh about 90 kg why the female can weigh about 65 kg.
  8. The Bakharwal sheep breeds: The Bakharwal sheep breeds hair are very long. The male sheep has horn why the female has no horn. The Bakharwal sheep breed ears are very long and wide. The Bakharwal sheep breeds annual production of hair is about 1.5 kg.
  9. The gaddi sheep breeds: This particular breed hair color is white. The male breed has horn why the female breed has no horn. The gaddi sheep breed are medium in size.
  10. The Lohi sheep breeds: This particular breed meat is very tasty. They have big size body. The ears of this breed are very long.
Starting a commercial sheep farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial sheep farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON store. To purchase the Sheep farming book click the button below.

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