Venturing into Millet farming is a very profitable agricultural business. Without been told Millet is known as a grass or cereal that is grown for their edible seeds. One thing about Millet is that they are drought tolerant crops. Let us look at the step by step on how to cultivate millet.

The land preparation for Millet farming
If you actually want to venture into Millet farming make sure that the land preparation is done early. Make sure that large clods are broken or you harrowed the land after the first ploughing.

The Planting of the Millet
Try as much as possible to make sure that planting of the Millet is done on the onset of rains or before. During the onset of rains, Try and make sure that the planting depth is 2.5-4cm. Make sure that the seed rate is 1.5-2.5kg per acre although depending on the variety.

The application of Fertilizer and Manure on the Millet plant
you can apply a compound fertilizer NPK (20:20:0) at the rate of 1 bag (50kg) per acre and also CAN for the top dressing at the rate of 1bag (50kg) per acre, this is the best recommendation. You can also apply organic manure at the rate of 100kg per acre, from experience organic manure really improves the organic matter content of the soil.

The weed control in Millet farming
One thing about weed is that it can seriously affect the yields of the Millet if not controlled. It is strongly advice that first weeding should be done two to three weeks after emergence and second weeding should be two weeks after the first weeding. This process can either be the normal manual weeding process which is by the use of hands or by the use of herbicides.

How to control Pests and diseases in Millet plant
Millet plant is like any other plant that also face pest and disease challenges. The following are the common pest that attack Millet; shoot fly, head bugs and birds. The ways to control this pest is by the use of insecticides and also the use of birds scaring devices. One of the diseases that attack Millet is Ergot-honey. One of the ways of controlling this disease is by planting resistant varieties. Also make sure you use clean seeds dressed with thiram.

The Harvesting and storage of Millet

 One of the ways of harvesting Millet is by cutting the mature plants to the ground, tied into sheave then dried it. Another way of harvesting Millet is by cutting the heads with sickle and then sun dried it. You can also still use combined harvester for harvesting. Try as much as possible to store the Millet in bags and put them in a dry place.

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