According to history Kale plant originated from eastern Mediterranean and Asia. The botanical name of this plant is Brassica oleracea acephala. Some of the common names are Kale, borecole. This particular plant is a cool-weather crop that requires 2 months of cool weather to reach harvest. You can actually sow the seeds indoors or outdoors four to six weeks before the last frost in spring or as soon as the soil has be worked. You can actually start Kale indoors and then transplanted it into the garden when the seedlings are four to six weeks old.
Furthermore, this particular plant is a hardy biennial plant that is grown as an annual plant. Kale leaves are really similar to cabbage. The scotch kale has crumpled and curly gray-green leaves, why the siberian or the blue kale is less curly and a bluer shade of green.
The land preparation for the plant
This plant actually prefers a rich, well-drained soil with a soil pH between 5.5 and 6.8. Make sure you plant it in full sun. Although Kale can be planted in partial shade in warm regions. To achieve the best flavor, you can grow the kale plant in cool weather.
The planting time of Kale plant
This particular plant is a cool-weather crop that can actually tolerate temperatures as low as 20°F. This plant does not tolerate heat. For cool-summer regions, Kale need to be planted in early spring for a summer to early fall harvest. Why in warm and hot summer regions, Kale need to be planted in late summer for harvest in late fall or winter. Also in mild-winter regions, the plant can be sown in fall for winter harvest.
The spacing and planting
Make sure you sow the kale seed ½ inch deep and also spaced it three inches apart. You can thin the plants to twelve inches apart when they are four to five inches tall. Make sure you space rows eighteen to twenty-four inches apart. You can set transplants with crooked stems up to the first leaves.
The feeding and watering of the plant
Make sure you keep the Kale plant well watered for a sustained growth and to also keep the leaves from getting too tough. You can also add aged compost to planting beds in advance of planting. Also make sure you side dress the Kale plant with aged compost every six weeks.
Some of the companion plants of Kale are potatoes, herbs, onions, beets and celery.
How to care for kale plant
You can mound straw around the kale plant once it is six inches high, this is to prevent the plants from touching the soil.
How to grow Kale in container
This plant will really grow in a six-inch container. You can also plant Kale on eight-inch centers in large containers. You can move the kale plant that is grown in containers into a cool shade when the weather warms to extend the season.
Pest and disease control in Kale plant
This particular plant can be attacked by cabbage loopers, cutworms, and imported cabbage worms. You can actually control these pests by hand picking or by spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis. This plant actually has no serious disease problems.
How to harvest Kale plant
This particular plant will be ready for harvest fifty-five days from transplanting, seventy to eighty days from seed. You can cut the individual leaves for use when the Kale plant is eight to ten inches high. Make sure you cut the outside leaves first. If you actually want to harvest the entire plant, make sure you cut two inches above the soil and the plant will sprout new leaves in one to two weeks. Make sure you harvest the Kale plant before it gets old and tough.
The storing and the preservation of Kale
You can actually leave the Kale in the garden until you are ready to use it. Actually the flavor will be sweetened by frost. You can also keep the Kale in the refrigerator for one to two weeks in a plastic bag. This plant can also be frozen, canned, or dry.
Some of the different varieties of Kale

  1. The Blue Armor varieties (mature in 45-75 days)
  2. The Blue Curled Scotch varieties (mature in 65 days)
  3. The  Blue Knight varieties ( mature in 55 days)
  4. The Dwarf Blue Curled varieties (mature in 55 days)
  5. The Dwarf Blue Scotch varieties (mature in 55 days)
  6. The Dwarf Green Curled varieties (mature in 60 days)
  7. The Dwarf Siberian varieties (mature in 65 days)
  8. The Greenpeace varieties (mature in 65 days)
  9. The Konserva varieties (mature in 60 days)
  10. The Red Russian varieties (mature in 40-60 days)
  11. The Squire varieties (mature in 60 days)
  12. The Verdura varieties (mature in 60 days)
  13. The Winterbor varieties (mature 60-65 days)

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