Generally any varieties of Green beans are very easy to plant. A lot of Green beans can be grown in a limited space, and there are a lot varieties of Green beans.
Furthermore, the variety of Green beans can either be pole varieties that grow long vines or low-growing bush varieties. Some of the Green beans varieties are green, although there are also red, purple, yellow, and streaked varieties. Generally green beans are several inches long and they are either round or flattened in shape. The once for fresh eating can be picked when they are young and tender before the seeds inside will fully developed. A lot of varieties of Green beans have been bred to have stringless pods, although a lot of gardeners really prefer the flavor of the old-fashioned "string" varieties.
Some of the basic information about Green beans
  1. The botanical name of Green beans: The botanical name of Green beans is Phaseolus vulgaris
  2. Some of the common name: The common names are string bean, green bean, snap bean,
  3. The plant type: Is annuals
  4. The mature size of Green beans: Actually the size of Green beans varies with the variety. There are some bush beans that can generally get to about two ft. tall and one ft. wide. Why some pole beans can grow upwards or across a trellis for a good 10 ft.
  5. The sun exposure: Green beans are grown in full sun.
  6. The soil requirement for Green beans: The soil should be a rich soil.
  7. Water requirement: Actually this plant need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. The Green beans will really do better with an in-ground or drip irrigation system rather than water from above.
  8. The soil pH for Green beans: It should be slightly acidic pH of about 6.0 to 6.2.
  9. The blooming time: The blooming time is about fifty-five days after planting, spring.
  10. The flower Color: The flower colors are white, pink, purple, and multicolor.
  11. The native area: Green bean is to native to Peru and Central America.
Starting a commercial Green beans farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Green beans farming you can purchase the GREEN BEANS FARMING book on Amazon Store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Green beans from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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