Starting a Goat farm is a very good profitable agricultural livestock business. The following are some of the types of Goat breed you can rear.
1. The Nubian Goat breed: This particular breed is also known as Anglo-Nubian. The Nubian Goat breeds are really proud of their body structure. They have long, pendulum-like ears and Roman nose. The Nubian Goat breed are a cross breed of African and Indian bucks and they were raised in England.
2. The Oberhasli Goat breed: The Oberhasli Goat breed are also known as “Swiss Alpine. This particular breed is in bay color with clear black spotting all over the body. The Oberhasli Goat breed milk contains about 3.6 – 4% of butterfat and they cannot be raised all year round.
3. The Alpine Goat breed: This particular breed is known for its good milking ability. The Alpine Goat breeds have no set colors or markings. This breed has horn, straight profile and erects ears. The Alpine Goat breed originated from French Alps.
4. The LaMANCHA Goat breed: The LaMANCHA Goat breed originated from Spain but are easily found in US. These particular breeds are medium in size and they are very healthy. The LaMANCHA Goat breed milk contains 4.2% of butterfat but they are seasonal breeders. This breed has tiny ears.
5. The toggenburg Goat breed:  The toggenburg Goat breed is the oldest breed of dairy goats having medium-sized body. This particular breed comes in various colors ranging from fawn to dark chocolate brown. They also have white marks on the bod. The toggenburg Goat breed are commonly raised for producing milk which is usually used to make cheese and other things.
6. The Saanen Goat breed: These particular breeds are white or cream-colored. This breed originated from Switzerland. The Saanen Goat breed spread across Europe in the late 19th century. These particular breeds are heavy producers but their milk is really low in butterfat compared to other goat breed.

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