Without been told this plant are biennial plants that are grown as annuals. The origin of Beets can be traced from Southern Europe. The botanical name of this plant is called Beta vulgaris. Some of the common names are Beets, beet greens, beetroot. This plant are grown for their swollen, bulb-shaped root and also for their leaves. The roots of the plant can be yellow, red, or white. This plant is a cool-weather crop. Beets need to be sow in the garden two to three weeks before the last average frost date in spring. You can actually continue succession planting every three weeks until the temperatures reaches 80°F. This plant can also be planted in late summer or early autumn six to eight weeks before the first average frost in autumn. This plant actually requires 45 to 65 days to reach harvest. This plant need to be grown as a winter crop in mild-winter regions.
The land preparation
Beets need to be grow in full sun or partial shade in warm regions. Make sure the Beets are planted in a well-worked loose soil that is rich in organic matter. Make sure you remove all stones and clods from planting beds in other not to impede or split growing roots. Make sure you add aged compost to growing beds in advance of planting. This plant really grows best where the soil pH is about 6.0 to 6.8.
The planting time of Beets
The Beets need to be sow in the garden two to three weeks before the last average frost date in spring. You can continue succession planting every three weeks until the temperature reaches 80°F. This particular plant can also be planted in late summer or early autumn six to eight weeks before the first average frost in autumn. This plant actually requires 45 to 65 days to reach harvest. One thing about beets is that they can tolerate frost but will go to seed if temperatures are too cold. Beets need to be grow as a winter crop in mild-winter regions. The Beet roots can become woody in hot weather.
The planting and spacing of the plant
These plants are grown from seed clusters about the size of a small pea. The cluster actually contains several seeds. The seed clusters need to be sow 1 inch deep and 1 inch part. Make sure you thin successful seedlings to three inches apart when seedlings are three inches tall. Also space rows twelve to eighteen inches apart.
The watering and the feeding of the Beets
Make sure you keep the Beets evenly watered. Make sure you don’t allow the soil to dry out because lack of water can cause the roots to become stunted, stringy, and tough. You can also add aged compost to planting beds in advance of seeding. Also make sure you side dress the Beets with compost at midseason.
Some of the companion plants of Beets are kohlrabi, Onions.
How to care for the Beets
 Try and keep the Beets free from weeds to avoid competition for water and nutrients. Make sure you thin the beets as soon as they are about three inches tall to avoid crowding which can hinder root growth.
Pest and disease control in Beets
This particular plant has no serious pest problems. Just make sure you check roots for boring insects. Also beets have no serious disease problems.
How to harvest Beets
 This plant will actually reach harvestable size in (1 to 3 inches in diameter) 40 to 80 days after sowing. Make sure you lift the Beets gently. Then twist the leaves off rather than cutting them off, this will prevent juices from bleeding.
Some of the varieties of Beets
The following are some of the varieties of Beets:
  1. The detroit dark red variety (matured 52 days)
  2. The early wonder variety (mature in 53 days)
  3. The burpee’s golden variety (mature in 55 days)
  4. The bulls’s blood variety (mature 50 days)
  5. The ruby queen variety (mature in 56 days)
  6. The little ball variety (mature in 56 days)
Venturing into a commercial Beetroot farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Beetroot farming you can purchase the BEETROOT FARMING book on Amazon Store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Beetroot from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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