According to history cockatiel originated from Australia, this bird makes an excellent pet. Cockatiels have playful and loving personalities, and they are easy to care for. They tend to live for fifteen to twenty years.

This bird learns to whistle quite easily, and they have soft and chirpy voices. Cockatiels are available in a variety of colors, including gray, albino, lutino (yellow), cinnamon, pied, and pearl white faced. Cockatiels are also available in combinations of the above color mutations. They are playful by nature, and they like to sit on your head, shoulders, and hands. Cockatiels enjoy having their heads scratched, and they will whistle until you let them out of their cage and play with them.

These birds are domestically raised. It’s best to purchase a young bird that has been hand fed. A young Cockatiel requires a lot of attention. I am giving out a free eBook on how to care for your Cockatiels. This eBook contains everything about caring for Cockatiels. To download the free Cockatiels care eBook CLICK HERE

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