The scientific name of Cabbage is Brassica oleracea and Cabbage is actually a leafy green vegetable that comes in a densely packed head. A lot of cabbage cultivars vary in appearance, including the ones with curly leaves, purple coloring, and ornamental cabbage varieties bred for their looks and not for food. Cabbage precisely is a biennial crop, flowering and going to seed in its second season as it completes its life cycle. A lot of gardeners grow it as an annual and harvest it within one growing season for peak quality. Cabbage is a cool-season vegetable that should be grown either in the spring or fall, and it has a relatively fast growth rate.

Cabbage Plant Info

The common name: The common name is Cabbage.

The botanical name: The botanical name is Brassica oleracea.

The family: Cabbage belongs to Brassicaceae family.

The plant type: Cabbage is a vegetable, biennial, annual.

The mature size: The mature size is one to two feet tall, one to two feet wide.        

The sun exposure: Cabbage plants prefer full sun.

The soil type: Cabbage plant does well in loamy, well-drained soil.

The soil pH: Acidic, neutral

USDA Hardiness zones: Two to eleven.         

The native area: Cabbage is native to Europe.

Types of Cabbage

There are various cultivars of cabbage, the following are the cultivars of Cabbage;

- The 'Drumhead' variety: The 'Drumhead' variety produces large, blue-green heads with savory leaves.

- The 'Early Jersey Wakefield' variety: The 'Early Jersey Wakefield' variety produces two to three pound heads that are resistant to splitting.

- The 'January King' variety: The 'January King' is a purple and green cabbage that is extremely frost-hardy.

- The 'Murdoc' variety: The 'Murdoc' variety has a pointed head and tender, sweet leaves.

- The 'Blue Vantage' variety: The 'Blue Vantage' variety is known to be a disease-resistant variety.

Cabbage vs. Lettuce

Lettuce and Cabbage are both leafy green vegetables that can grow in heads. However, both of them are not members of the same plant family and they have some clear differences. For one, cabbage generally has a stronger taste than lettuce and more minerals; meanwhile, lettuce is odorless and has higher water content. Lettuce and Cabbage both have vitamins and nutritional value, although different types. Both develop many layers of leaves, but cabbage leaves tend to be tougher than lettuce leaves. Lettuce can also withstand warmer conditions than cabbage. 

How to Plant Cabbage

When to plant Cabbage

Cabbage is actually a cool-weather crop that can be easily planted outdoors a few weeks before your area's last spring frost as long as the soil is workable. The plant can't take temperatures higher than eighty degrees Fahrenheit; the plant will begin to wither or bolt in the heat.

You can start the Cabbage seeds indoors around 6 to 8 weeks before your area's projected last spring frost date. You can also plant the Cabbage seeds in the garden in the late summer after the hottest weather has passed for a fall harvest.

Selecting a planting site

Make sure you choose a sunny spot in the garden with good soil drainage for your cabbage. Avoid planting the Cabbage near other Brassica species, like broccoli, as they can attract the same pests and diseases. Container growth is also an option for cabbage, though it can result in a smaller yield.

Spacing, Depth, and Support

Plant the Cabbage seeds about 1/4 inch deep. Thin the Cabbage seedlings to around eighteen inches to two feet apart. No support structure will be needed. More space will generally result in larger heads.

Light requirement

Full sun, meaning around 6 hours of direct sunlight on most days, is best for growing Cabbage. But the plant can also tolerate light shade, most especially in warm climates.

Soil requirement

Cabbage actually prefers a loamy, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. You can mix some compost into the soil before planting. In addition, a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH is best for the plant.

Water requirement

Cabbage actually needs consistent soil moisture to produce crisp and juicy heads. Irregular watering of the plant can result in a bitter taste or misshapen heads. Water is needed to keep the soil lightly moist but never soggy. About an inch of water per week ought to be sufficient, though you might need more if you have very fast-draining soil. Adding a layer of mulch around your cabbage will really help to retain soil moisture.

Temperature and humidity requirement

Cabbage actually prefers mild temperatures and it grows best at around sixty to sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Cover your Cabbage plants to protect the plant if the temperature drops below forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. The Cabbage will also start to struggle once the temperatures reach eighty degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Humidity generally is not really an issue for cabbage as long as its soil moisture needs are met.

Fertilizer requirement

Cabbage is actually a heavy feeder. After planting you can side-dress with compost every few weeks to keep the soil rich. Or you can use an organic vegetable fertilizer that has an even balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (10-10-10 NPK). Make sure you follow the fertilizer's instructions on the label.


Actually bees and other pollinators help to pollinate the flowers of cabbage plants. However, if you are growing cabbage as an annual, your Cabbage plants won't produce the flower spikes that actually require pollinating. Those come in the plant's second year.

How to harvest Cabbage

The time it takes for cabbage to be ready to harvest actually depends on the variety of the Cabbage. But usually, it requires about seventy days from the time of planting. Once the heads are fully formed and firm to the touch, it simply means that they are ready to be harvested. If you leave the heads for too long, you risk them splitting.

You can easily pull up the entire plant or you can use a very good sharp knife to cut the head at its base. If you go with the second method, you might get a second harvest from your Cabbage plant but with smaller heads.

You need to bring the harvested head indoors as soon as possible. You can wrap the head in plastic and then stored it in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. It also can be stored in a root cellar where the temperature is between forty-five degrees Fahrenheit and freezing for approximately 3 months. Cabbage can be used fresh or cooked, but make sure you wash it well before eating.

Growing Cabbage in pots

If you don’t have the garden space or adequate soil conditions for cabbage you can try growing the cabbage in a pot. Select a container that’s at least a foot wide and deep. An unglazed clay container is perfect because it will allow excess soil moisture to evaporate through its walls. Ample drainage holes in the pot are a must. You can use a fast-draining organic potting soil that is actually made for vegetables.

Pruning Cabbage plant

Cabbage normally does not need pruning. However, if you spot any broken or withering leaves on the Cabbage plant that are dragging or falling off, you can tear them off or remove them with pruning shears to hinder pests and diseases from infesting or infecting the plant.

How to propagate Cabbage

Because a lot of people treat cabbage plants as annuals, their plants don’t produce seeds for them to collect and propagate. If you don't have Cabbage seeds, you can re-grow them from scraps. This salvage is an easy way to get more from your harvest. You will need a shallow dish, water, and a brightly lit location. Here is how to do it:

- Take the bottom from your cabbage head, and then place it in a shallow dish of water (stem side down). Put the dish in bright, indirect light.

- Make sure you change the water every few days.

- You ought to see new leaves growing within a week, and the roots might even start forming on the underside.

- Harvest the Cabbage plant leaves as needed, as they won't grow huge. You won't get a brand new head from this growing method.

Growing Cabbage from seed

A heating mat won’t be needed when starting the Cabbage seeds indoors since the Cabbage seeds can germinate in cool temperatures. Gently press the Cabbage seeds into a seed-starting mix, just barely covering them. The Cabbage seeds should not be covered by more than 1/2-inch of soil. There are 2 methods of planting Cabbage seeds: Plant seeds eighteen to twenty-four inches apart or scatter the Cabbage seeds on the soil and then pull out the extra Cabbage seedlings that are too close together. Gently pull out the unwanted Cabbage seedlings, leaving the healthiest in place. If you plant them closer, the heads will be smaller.


Because the cabbage plants are mainly grown as an annual, you won't need to worry about over-wintering your plants. But if you are expecting a cold snap before your plants are ready to harvest, you can protect them by covering them with row covers.

Pests and Diseases

Cabbage also faces some pest and disease challenges. Cabbage loopers and Cabbage worms are the leading pest threats. These pests will munch holes throughout the Cabbage plant leaves. Their coloring actually allows them to blend in with the cabbage, but they can be handpicked easily if you can see them. Cutworms and Slugs also might attack your cabbage plant.

Some fungal diseases like clubroot, downy mildew, and black rot, can affect the cabbage plant. Once your cabbage is infected, there is not much you can do besides removing the affected plants. But you can help prevent these problems by choosing disease-resistant varieties and not growing the cabbage plant in the same spot each year, as fungal spores can remain in the soil.

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