The origin of Cashew trees can be traced from America. Cashew tree is a native to Mexico to Peru and Brazil and also to the West Indies. Another source of history also said that Cashew trees was one of the first fruit trees from the New World that was widely distributed throughout the tropics by the early Portuguese and Spanish adventurers. In the early 16th century Cashew was introduced in India from Brazil by the Portuguese. Today some of the major Cashew producing countries are Tanzania, Brazil, Indian, Mozambique, Vietnam, Madagaskar and Kenya.
Different varieties of Cashew nut
The following are some of the different varieties of Cashew nut.
  1. W180 Cashew nut variety
  2. W 210 Cashew nut variety
  3. W 240 Cashew nut variety
  4. W 320 Cashew nut variety
  5. W 450 Cashew nut variety
Land preparation for Cashew trees
For you to actually start a Cashew farm you need to get a land. It is not advisable to go for leasing, Cashew cultivation is really a long-term investment. Try as much as possible to secure your own land in your area. From experience the best soil for Cashew cultivation is sandy soil with laterite. You need to clear all grasses and also cut down the shrubs and trees. Machine can also be used to plough and levelled the land. You can mix the sand with animals dung if the nutrient is low.
Planting of the Cashew
Planting Cashew from seed is actually stressful like that of oil palm and coffee. If you actually want to make things very easy it is advisable to buy an already sprouted seedling from an established nursery with good species.
The application of Fertilizer
The Cashew plants need to be given phosphorus, nitrogen and zinc fertilizers. If you actually want the Cashew tree to grow faster and to also produce good fruits you need to give them the nutrients at every point.
Make ensure you irrigate the Cashew farm during dry season. For the Cashew tree to produce more fruits you need to water them regularly. Actually the ideal temperature for optimum growth is 25C-30.
Weed control
Weeding around the Cashew tree truck is very important before the tree canopies will shade out. Weedicides can be used well in advance of the rainy season if the under growth is too dense.
Furthermore, you can actually start a commercial Cashew farming if you have the CASHEW FARMING book. This book contains a step by step guide on how to start a Cashew farm. You can purchase the book on Amazon store for $7. To purchase the CASHEW FARMING book CLICK HERE.

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