The origin of Coffee can be traced from Africa, an area in Ethiopia called Kaffa. Another source of history also said that from Ethiopia Coffee was taken to Arabia and some other parts of Europe. In the world today the major producers of Coffee are Vietnam, Brazil, Columbia and Indonesia. Today Coffee is known as one of the most important cash crop. Coffee as a cash crop has contributed to the growth and development of some countries. A lot of countries export Coffee to the international market. On this article we are going to discuss how to grow Coffee from seed to harvest.
Some of the varieties of Coffee
The following are some of the varieties of Coffee.
  1. Catuai coffee variety
  2. Geisha coffee variety
  3. Bourbon coffee variety
  4. Colombia coffee variety
  5. Robusta coffee variety
  6. S795 coffee variety
  7. Arabica coffee variety
  8. Peaberry coffee variety
There are a lot of Coffee varieties.
The propagation
Coffee can be propagated by cutting or seed. For you to actually obtain a good plantation, try and plant a good yield and a disease resistant variety.
Soil preparation
The soil should be well cultivated. Make sure you remove all rocks, debris and vegetation. The open field should be plough and harrow twice to check weed growth.
The Coffee seeds should be planted in spring time or at the beginning of rainy season when the soil is moist and is under cool conditions. The spacing between rows should be about 15 cm to 20 cm. On the rows the Coffee seed should be placed 3 cm to 5 cm apart, 0,5 cm to 1 cm deep and with the flat side down.
Coffee plants actually require nutrients. Actually the kind of fertilizer and the quantity of fertilizer to apply depends on the type and the initial fertility of the soil, the climate, the plant age, the cost and the availability of fertilizer on the few representative plants. The leaf and the soil analysis need to be carry out every year once the trees start producing, this will help to actually know the accurate and the complete fertilization programme to adopt.
Without been told the purpose of irrigation is to supplement rainfall. A water meter of about 50 mm need to be applied before planting, also followed by 25 mm afterwards. The soil need to be kept moist but not too wet.
Weed control
The weed need to be control be planting and it can be control mechanically or with a registered herbicide.
Starting a commercial Coffee farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. You can purchase the COFFEE CULTIVATION book on amazon store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow coffee from seed to harvest. To purchase the book on amazon store click the button below.

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