The Moringa plant is a native to India also grow widely in Africa. Moringa tree actually grow quickly even in poor soil and it bloom eight months after planting. Moringa tree is also a deciduous tree that forms an umbrella shape from a single stem, and is often deep rooted. Moringa plant has about fourteen different species. It is Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oleifera that are mainly used for commercial purposes.
Furthermore, Moringa plant is actually used to curb malnutrition, most especially in poor communities, since it is drought resistant, and it also produces edible, nutritious leaves all year round. On this article we are going to look at the simple step by step on how to grow Moringa plant.
The following are the Moringa plant parts and there use or benefits:
  1. The Leaves:  Forage, nutritional, biomass, plant growth hormone, medicinal.
  2. The Flowers:  Nutritional, medicinal, honey.
  3. The Fruit:  Honey, nutritional, medicinal.
  4. The Roots: Medicinal.
  5. The Seed: Water treatment, Cosmetics, food, medicinal.
  6. The Wood: Animal feed, Paper, alcohol production, medicinal.
  7. The Bark: Gum for tanning hides, rope making, medicinal.
The selection of site
Make sure you choose an area where the soil is well drained. Doing this will really helps to evacuate excess water from the soil and it will allows a free exchange of gasses between the atmosphere and the soil particles. Also make sure you avoid a clay soil that become sticky when it is wet and very hard when it is dry. You also need to avoid termite-infested soils as much as possible. The area should be an open area that receives full sunlight. Make sure the site is protected from free roaming animals by an adequate natural or artificial fence.
The preparation of land
This particular plant requires a well-drained loamy or sandy soil for optimal growth. You can slashed the land where necessary and also remove all unwanted materials from the field. By peradventure if the planting density is high, then the land needs to be ploughed and harrowed to a maximum depth of 30 cm. But if planting density is low (>1 m x 1 m), it is better to dig pits and refill them with the soil. If you are actually a farmer that wants to produce Moringa in large scale it is recommended that soil and seed testing are done to ensure good returns on investment.
The Propagation
This particular plant can be propagated from seeds or from a mature cutting (brown wood).

Furthermore, starting a commercial Moringa farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Moringa farming you can purchase the MORINGA FARMING book on Amazon store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Moringa from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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