Yam is actually seen as one of the most important foods in the world today. Without been told 70% of the total worldwide yam produce is from West Africa. The origin of the name yam came from Portuguese. The scientific name of yam is called Dioscorea. According to research Yam has over six hundred varieties.
A yam tuber can actually grow to about to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in length and it can weigh up to 70 kg (150 lb) and it can 7.6 to 15.2 cm (3.0 to 6.0 in) high. Some Yams have a rough skin which is difficult to peel, but after heating, it will become soft. One thing about yam is that there skin color varies, which is from dark brown to light pink.
Furthermore, there are lot countries today that carryout festival and rituals to mark the arrival of new yams. This crop has played an important role in some economy in the area of international trade. Many countries today are into commercial yam production. In Yam farming business there is a lot profit. Today a lot of farmers who are into yam farming are making a lot of profit in the business. Yam has become an important food in most household. Yam farming has created huge employment and job opportunities in some countries. If for instance you have a farmland that is about Five hundred by five hundred meters size this could yield you about 50,000 tubers of yam which can generate you about $50,000 income. One good thing about yam farming business is that apart from selling the yams in the local market you can still export the yams to the international market. Yams have great value in the international market.
Some of the different types of Yam
The following are some of the different types of yam;
. White yam (Dioscorearotundata): One of the species of yam is the white yam (Dioscorearotundata). 

  • Water yam (Dioscoreaalata): Another variety of yam is the water yam (Dioscoreaalata). 

  • The Yellow yam (Dioscoreacayensis): Another variety of yam is the Yellow yam(Dioscoreacayensis). 

  • The Aeriel yam (Dioscoreabulbifera): This particular specie is commonly known as the following; air potato, air yam, bitter yam, cheeky yam, potato yam, etc. 

  • The Chinese yam (Dioscoreaesculenta): Another yam specie is the Chinese yam (Dioscoreaesculenta). 

Starting a commercial Yam farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Yam farming you can purchase the YAM FARMING book on Amazon Store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Yam from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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