According to history the origin of watermelon can be trace from Africa. The botanical name of watermelon is called Citrullus vulgaris but the common name is called watermelon. This plant is a tender, warm-weather annual plant. This plant along with muskmelons and cantaloupes are sometimes called summer melons.
Furthermore, it is strongly advice to sow the watermelon seed in the garden or you can set out the transplants 3 to 4 weeks after the last average frost date in spring.
Make sure you start the watermelon seed indoors about six weeks before transplanting the seedlings into the garden. You can start the seed indoors in 4-inch or larger biodegradable peat or paper pots that can be set wholly into the garden so as not to disturb the roots. One thing about Watermelons is that they require about 65 to 90 frost-free days to reach harvest. Like I said, this plant is a long-trailing annual plant. This particular plant can be solid green or striped green and white. One thing about the watermelon fruits is that they can weigh from 10 or 15 pounds to more than 100 pounds. This plant really has a thick, solid rind with sweet, succulent flesh that can be pink, red, yellow, orange, or grayish white in color.
The land preparation for watermelon
Make sure it is planted in full sun. One thing about Watermelons is that they grow best in loose, well-drained, but moisture-retentive soil that is rich in organic matter. Make sure you add aged compost to the planting bed before planting. This plant actually prefer a soil pH of about 6.0 to 6.8.
The planting time
Make sure the watermelon seed is sow in the garden or set out the transplants two to three weeks after the last average frost date in spring. You can start the watermelon seed indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting the seedlings into the garden. You can start the seed in biodegradable peat or paper pots 4 inches in diameter that can be set wholly into the garden so as not to disturb roots. The watermelon seed will germinate in 10 days at 65°F. One thing about Watermelons is that they grow best in air temperatures that is ranging from 70° to 90°F. Make sure you avoid growing the watermelon where the night temperatures dip below 50°F, because this will actually cause the fruit to lose is flavor. By peradventure if the temperatures exceed 90°F for several days the flowers will drop without setting the fruit. Like I mention earlier watermelons require about 65 to 90 frost-free days to reach harvest and it will tolerate no frost.
The Watermelon planting and spacing
 Make sure you sow the watermelon seed 1 inch deep. Also make sure you sow 4 to 6 watermelon seeds in the mounds or inverted hills 24 inches across. Make sure you thin to 2 or 3 strongest seedlings in each hill when the seedlings have developed 3 or 4 true leaves. Make sure you cut the thinned seedlings at the soil level with scissors. Make sure you space mounds or inverted hills 6 feet apart. Under normal condition mounds can range in height from a few inches to more than 12 inches tall. Make sure you use inverted hills where the weather and soil are very dry and the watermelon plants will benefit from the collection of rain or irrigation water. Try and make an inverted hill by removing 1 inch or 2 of soil to form a circle 24 inches across. You can use the soil to make a rim around the circle. This rim will also protect the young watermelon plants from heavy rains that might wash away the soil leaving shallow roots exposed.
Feeding and watering of the watermelon
This plant is 95 percent water. Watermelon actually require plentiful and regular watering for quick growing. Try as much as possible to keep the soil moist until the fruit has reach full size, then stop watering when the fruit has ripens. Make sure you mulch to retain the soil moisture. Try and avoid watering the watermelon plants overhead, this can result in mildew. Make sure you prepare planting beds with aged compost. Make sure you side dress the watermelons with compost or manure tea every two to three weeks during the growing season.
Watermelon Companion plants: The following are some the companion plants of watermelon; radish,  Corn, beans, nasturtium, etc.
Watermelon varieties
  1. The little baby flower watermelon variety
  2. The Yellow Doll watermelon variety
  3. The Crimson Sweet watermelon variety
  4. The Extazy watermelon variety
  5. The Golden Midget watermelon variety
  6. The Jubilee watermelon variety
  7. The Mickylee watermelon variety
  8. The Moon and Stars watermelon variety
  9. The Pixie watemelon variety
  10. The Cream of Saskatchewan watermelon variety
  11. The Sangria watermelon variety
  12. The Starbrite watermelon variety
  13. The Starlight watermelon variety
  14. The Stars 'n' Stripes watermelon variety
  15. The Sugar Baby watermelon variety
There are a lot of watermelon variety you can grow in your garden.
Starting a commercial watermelon farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial watermelon farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the watermelon farming book click the button below.

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