The following are the best 10 outdoor succulent plants you can grow.
1.   The Torch Plant (aloe aristata)
2.   The Sunburst (aeonium davidbramwellii)
3.   The Pig’s Ear (cotyledon orbiculata)
4.   The Zwartkop (aeonium arboreum)
5.   The Dudleya (echeveria spp.)
6.   The Ball Cactus (parodia magnifica)
7.   The Plush Plant (echeveria pulvinata)
8.   The Whale’s Tongue Agave (agave ovatifolia)
9.   The Stonecrop (sedum spp.)
10.   The Hens-and-Chicks (sempervivum tectorum)
These 10 Succulent plants are the best Succulent plants you can grow outdoor.

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