One of the lines of defense against poultry disease is routine preventative measures. As a poultry farmer after you have provide a clean and hygienic environment for your poultry birds the following are some of the preventative measures you can still apply:
  1.   Make sure you vaccinate the poultry birds: One thing about vaccination is that it can prevent poultry disease. Try as much as possible to follow a suitable vaccination program or try to buy the appropriately vaccinated stock. The following are some of poultry vaccinations;
 -   fowl cholera
 -   avian encephalomyelitis
 -   infectious bursal disease
 -   Egg drop syndrome 76 (EDS 76)
 -   Fowl pox
 -   Newcastle disease
 -   infectious bronchitis
 -   infectious coryza
 -   Marek's disease
 2.   Try to ensure parasite control: Without been told some poultry birds that are housed on the floor and that have access to pastures and outdoor areas really have a greater exposure to internal and external parasites. If your poultry birds are in this condition you really need to have a prevention program in place. The following are ways you can control parasites:
 -   Make sure you inspect the poultry birds for external parasites.
 -   Make sure you spray or dust the poultry birds with an approve insecticide if you can see lice or mites.
 -   Try as much as possible to clean sheds and rotate the ranges to prevent worms.
 -   Make sure you regularly check faecal material for any sign of worms.
 -   Try to also consult a veterinarian.
 3.   Try as much as possible to identify and treat the sick birds.
 4.   Try to separating multi-age flocks.
 5.   Make sure you practice routine biosecurity procedures between flocks and staff working with them.

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