This particular plant belongs to the family of Asteraceae. Lettuce is also called Salad crops because it can be consumed in an uncooked form. By virtue of its diet and medicinal values, its demand is really increasing rapidly. Lettuce plant is mostly grown for leaves purpose but sometime it is cultivated for seed and stem purpose. Lettuce is a really good source of Vitamin K and chlorophyll. There are different types of lettuce, but loose leaf is considered as the best because it contain high amount of iron and vitamin A and C. The world producer of lettuce is China.
Furthermore, this plant is a leaf vegetable that is very rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin K. Lettuce also has anti-inflammatory properties, lettuce plant also helps to lower cholesterol levels, it also helps to control anxiety and it has many antioxidant properties.

The plant care
Lettuce plant is an edible plant.
Sprouts in: one to two weeks
Plant duration: three to five weeks
The temperature range: 18 °C–24 °C
Don’t forget that green Lettuce is a heat sensitive plant that germinates faster and produces more growth if grown at 64 to 72 °F (18 to 22°C). By peradventure if the temperature is higher than 75°F (24°C) then germination is inhibited and the plants tend to bolt, this may cause the flavour to become bitter.
Lettuce plant is an annual plant and it has the best nutritional value 30 to 35 days after the pod has been planted. Make sure you start using the lettuce leaves before the plant ages and loses its signature flavor.
It is strongly advice to harvest the whole pod at once, approximately 30 to 35 days after planting.
In some case you may also harvest gradually, starting approximately 25 days after planting by picking off the larger outer leaves first. Make sure you cut off single leaves gradually by moving towards the heart of the plant until the pod is maximum 40 days old.
Don’t also forget that Lettuce plants that is older than 40 days will no longer yield and there is no point transplanting them.
Starting a commercial Lettuce farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Lettuce farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Lettuce farming book click the button below.

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