This particular plant called spider plant is among the most popular (and easiest to grow) of all hanging or trailing houseplants. The spider plant can survive in a less perfect conditions, and they will look really stunning in perfect conditions. The mature spider plant form a tight rosettes of arching leaves with a profusion of hanging plantlets on long stems, up to three feet, somewhat like a bushy green mane. There is also a pure green variety, although the most common variety seen in garden centers in the green-and-white striped 'Variegatum.' The mature plants have small white flowers.
The growing conditions of the plant
This particular plant can grow under most conditions, although there are some things you need to consider if you actually want your Spider plant to thrive. For light, this plant is undemanding. This plant actually prefers bright light and they tend toward scorching in direct sunlight. Spider plant can grow in conditions ranging from semi-shady to partial direct sun.
Make sure you water them liberally through the summer and mist them occasionally. In winter, cut watering back. In the area of temperature, don’t let them fall below 50 F or expose them to cold drafts. This particular plant really like fast-draining, well-aerated potting mix. Make sure you feed them weekly during the summer with liquid fertilizer or you can use pellets at the beginning of the growing season.
The propagation of the plant
These particular houseplants are one of the easiest houseplants to propagate. You can simply pot up the small plantlets. Just make sure the young plantlets have developed roots. In some case, mature plants can be divided during repotting. In a pinch, you can turn one of the plantlets into a great housewarming gift.
Repotting Spider Plants
This plant is a fast-growing plant. This particular plant does not actually need yearly repotting as most of their growing energy is directed toward producing plantlets. You can repot in spring if the root ball protrudes above the rim of the pot.
The grower's tips
Spider plant is native to South Africa, this particular plant is an essential part of any hanging plant collection. You can pot them into simple baskets, provide them with ample water and food, and within 2 years, you will be rewarded with a full display. Also this plant can be positioned atop columns for a beautiful display. Don’t forget that plantlets will not form on immature plants. One of the most common problems is under watering and feeding during the growing season. Spider plants are robust plants.
Some of the common Pests

These plants are pretty hardy, although there are a few insects that love to turn them into dinner. Insect like Aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and of course, spider mites can really pose problems for the spider plant. By rinsing the Spider plants with water is an effective way to combat pests like aphids and spider mites. For spider mites you can rub the spider plant down with a miticide. While for other pest you can use insecticides.

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