One of the world most popular herb is Parsley. This particular plant originated from Southeasten Europe. This plant is widely cultivated as herb, as a spice, and as a vegetable. Parsley plant really has an incredible nutritional properties; this plant is packed with vitamins C, B, 12, K, and A. This plant can really help people with arthritis and heart-related problems. Parsley plant can be use in soups, salads, pasta, tomato sauces, sautes, and more to add oomph to your meal. Parsley plant really has that unique ability to blend flavors, and also is frequently used in fine herb mixtures. Without been told parsley plant is really prized for its ornamental value and it can be grown in pots and other containers as well as in the garden. To purchase Parsley farming book on AMAZON STORE click here
How to cultivate parsley plant
The following are step by step on how to cultivate parsley plant from seed to harvest.
The land preparation
One thing about parsley plant is that they grow best in loamy soil with good drainage and moderate soil fertility. Parsley plant also does best in a cool and sunny area, although it tolerate some light shade.
How to Plant the Parsley
If you actually want to speed up the germination, you can soak the seeds in warm water for about 24 hours before planting them. You have to make a shallow trench of about 1/2" deep. Make sure you plant 2 to 3 seeds per inch along the length of row. Make sure you lightly cover the seeds with about 1/8" of soil and water it very well.
The thinning of Seedlings
Try as much as possible to keep the soil evenly moist until the seeds germinate, usually in about 2 to 3 weeks. Immediately the seeds germinate and the seedlings are about 1" tall, make sure you thin them to 6" to 8" apart. You can use scissors to snip the plants off near the soil line. Make sure you don’t pull the plants as this will disturb the roots of the nearby plants.
How to harvest parsley plant
This plant will be ready for harvest in 2 months or less after sowing. If you want to harvest it you can cut off the outer stalks close to the ground using scissors. Make sure you avoid plucking the green foliage off the tops and leaving bare stalks. If you actually want to get the best flavor, you can pick the parsley early in the day when the oils in the leaves are the strongest. To purchase Parsley farming book on AMAZON STORE click here
Starting a commercial Parsley farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Parsley farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Parsley farming book click the button below.

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