Like i said in the formal article, cattle rearing is one of the most popular and lucrative agricultural livestock business. Starting a cattle farm can be very profitable if it is actually done in a proper way. A lot cattle farmers are really making huge profit from there cattle farm. One of the major challenge most cattle farmers are facing is on the area of pest and disease control on the cattle. Cattle is like any other livestock animal that also face some pest and disease challenge. On this article we are going to look at some of the pest and diseases that attack cattle and how to manage and control it.
Pest and disease control in Cattle
The following are some of the pest and disease that attack cattle and how to control it.
1.The Lice:
The symptoms: The symptoms are itching, hair loss anamia( this is cause by sucking lice)
How to prevent and control it: You can dip or spray the cattle with a suitable insecticide, also the application of injection 3 ml. Make sure you keep the treated and untreated cattle apart in other to avoid contamination.
2. The Ticks:
The symptoms: The symptoms are the damage of the hides, weakness of the cattle, the loss of production and anemia.
How to prevent and control it: Make the cattle is vaccinated. Also dip or spray the cattle with a suitable insecticide like Acaricide.
3. The mange mites:
The symptoms: One of the symptoms is that there will be a reduction in productivity, this pest causes irritation, hair loss and hide damage.
How to prevent and control it: You can spray the cattle with a suitable insecticides.
4. The tuberculosis disease:
The symptoms: The symptoms are chronic cough, the enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes and the increase of the heart rate.
How to prevent and control it: Try and vaccinate the cattle, you can also use tuberclin injection. There should be a proper sanitation.
5. The tick fever:
The symptoms: There will be an increase in body temperature, constipation and jaundice.
How to prevent and control it: Make sure you vaccinate the cattle. There should be a proper pest program.
6. Bovine mastitis:
The symptoms: What you will observe is an abnormal size of the udder, a high temperature of mammary gland, the discloration of milk, the hardness of the udder.
How to prevent and control it: You can use a long acting antibiotic like penicillin and streptomycin. There should be a proper sanitation program.
Starting a commercial Cattle farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Cattle farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Cattle farming book click the button below.

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