The Hoya Carnosa plant is a slow-growing, woody plant, this plant is an evergreen plant with thick, fleshy, 2 to 4 inch-long, green or variegated leaves. This particular plant produces in spring and summer, a  large, round, hanging clusters of creamy white to light pink, 0.5-inch, fragrant flowers. Each of these flower has a perfect five-pointed pink star in the center. The scientific name of this plant is called Hoya carnosa why the pronunciation is HOY-yuh kar-NOE-suh. Some of the common names of this plant are Wax Plant, Wax Flower, etc. This Hoya Carnosa plant belong to the Family of Asclepiadaceae. This particular plant is a native to North America.
The Uses
The Hoya Carnosa plant can be use for hanging basket, and is also suitable for growing indoors, use for cascading down a wall. The Hoya Carnosa plant can be grown in small quantities by a small number of nurseries.
The description of the plant
The height of the plant: This depends upon the supporting structure.
The spread of the plant: This depends upon the supporting structure.
The plant habit: Is a spreading plant.
The plant density: is open
The growth rate of the plant: The growth rate is slow.
The texture of the plant: The texture is medium.
The leaf arrangement: The leaf arrangement is opposite/subopposite.
The leaf type: The leaf simple.
The leaf margin: entire
The leaf shape: The leaf shape is ovate( like an egg)
The leaf type and persistence: The Leaf type and persistence is evergreen.
The leaf blade length: The leaf blade length is about 2 to 4 inches.
The leaf color: it has many colors.
The flower color of the plant: The flower color of the plant is pink.
The flower characteristic: These are pleasant fragrance, spring flowering and summer flowering.
The fruit shape of the plant: The fruit shape of the plant is pod or pod-like.
The fruit length: The fruit length is less than .5 inch
The fruit cover: The fruit cover is dry or hard.
The fruit color: The fruit color is unknown.
The planting requirement
The propagation of the plant: The Propagation of the plant is by cuttings or layering.
The plant light requirement: The Hoya Carnosa plant grows in part shade/part sun.
The plant soil tolerances: The soil should be slightly alkaline, clay, sand, acidic, loam.
The plant drought tolerance: The plant drought tolerance is high.
The soil salt tolerances: This is poor.
The spacing of the plant: The spacing should be about 18 to 24 inches
The plant use and management

This particular plant should be grown in a partial shade in a fibrous, well-drained, acid potting medium, such as compost, peat, or sphagnum moss. The Hoya Carnosa plant is well-suited for growing in a container with an extremely well-drained media where the stems can cascade over the side and show off the waxy foliage and unusual bloom. Some of the available cultivars are ‘Variegata’, white-margined leaves; ‘Exotica’, leaves variegated with yellow and pink, margined with green; and ‘Krinkle Kurl’ or Hindu-Rope Plant, leaves crowded, curled, and contorted. This particular plant is a special plant.

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