Cattle rearing is a very good profitable agricultural livestock business. Starting a cattle farm can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. One of the challenge most cattle farmers normally face is on how to prepare the cattle feed. On this article we are going to look at the simple steps on how to make cattle feeds from the comfort of your home.
How to prepare cattle feed

The following are the materials you need for making dairy cattle feed pellets;
1.You need Cereals: These are barley, oat, wheat, maize, triticale, sorghum and rye.
2.You also need seed from oleaginous crops: These are sunflower, flax and soy.
3.You also need seed from legumes: These are protein pea, field bean and broad beans.
4.You also need forage: These are flours of permitted forage essences.
5.You also need dried beet pulp.
You can also use the following substances as an appetizers in feed pellets:
1.You can use carob-bean. Make sure you use up to a maximum of 3%.
2.You can use Molasses. Make sure you use up to a maximum of 3%.

The following are the equipment you can use for making cattle feed pellets;
1.You need a tank or containers for raw and auxiliary materials storage.
2.You also need a feed hammer mill (feed pellet grinder) for grinding the raw materials to feed powder.
3.You also need a feed pellet blender, this is use to mix powdered materials to improve the uniformity of the ingredients.
4.You also need a feed pellet mill. This is actually the main equipment for making the cattle feed pellets.
5.You also need a feed pellet cooler. This is actually used to cool the hot and moisture feed pellets.
6.You also need a feed pellets screening and grading machine. This particular one is use to remove the fines and grade the pellets. This is the preparation for packaging.
7.You also need a feed pellet weighing and a packaging machine. This one is use to weigh and pack the pellets in a uniform way.
8.You may still need these other machines like conveyor, lifter, etc. This once are use in an automatic cattle feed pellet line.

Starting a commercial Cattle farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. To get a step by step guide on how to start commercial Cattle farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Cattle farming book click the button below.

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