Pigs are like any other animal that also face some disease challenges. The following are some of the disease that attack Pigs.
Diseases that attack pigs

1.   The Colibacillosis disease in Pig.
Symptoms: What you will observe is a sudden death of the pig.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: To prevent this disease is to vaccinate the pig and also ensure good hygiene. Treatment of the pig involves the use of fluid therapy and antibiotics.
2.   The Respiratory disease in Pig:
Symptoms: The symptoms you will observe in the pigs are sneezing, coughing, and the reduction in growth rate.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: To prevent this disease is to improve ventilation, also reducing the stocking density, try and reduce stress. Treatment for this disease is antibiotic and improvement of ventilation.
3.   The Sarcoptic mange disease in Pig
Symptoms: The symptoms of this disease are scratching, itching, rubbing, dermatitis. There will also be reduction in growth rate.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: Treatment for this disease is the application of Miticidal sprays.
4.   The Coccidiosis disease in Pig
Symptoms: What you will observe is diarrhea at 10-21 days of age.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: To prevent this disease is to improve hygiene and to provide a warm clean creep environment. Treatment of this disease involves fluid therapy and coccidiostats.
5.   The Erysipelas disease in Pig:
Symptoms: The symptoms you will observe on the pig are arthritis; skin lesions, also there will be reduction in growth rate.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: To prevent this disease is to vaccinate. Treatment for this disease is the use of antibiotic.
6.   The Gastric ulceration disease in Pig:
Symptoms: The symptoms you will observe on the pig are Loss of appetite. The pig will be vomiting.
Prevention and treatment of the disease: To prevent this disease is to manipulate their diet, including feed coarseness, try to reduce stress. There is actually no effective treatment for this disease. 

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