Presently in the world today Sweet corn is regarded as one of the most important cash crop. Sweet corn as a crop actually belongs to a variety of maize that has high sugar content. This particular crop is a member of the grass family. On like any other vegetable Sweet corn really grow best in areas with plenty of sunlight.

The site selection for Sweet corn
One good thing about Sweet Corn is that they can tolerate many soil types but the best soil is a well-drained soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. If you actually plant the Sweet corn in a sandy soils or a soils with a low pH, the Sweet corn will really suffer from magnesium deficiency.

The Soil preparation for Sweet corn
Try as much as possible to remove the weeds, the rocks and trash, and also make sure you work the top of the soil 8 to 10 inches before planting. Try and make sure you work the soil only when it is dry enough not so that the garden tools will not get stick.
How to Fertilize the Sweet corn
To actually get a good sweet corn yield try and use 2 to 3 pounds of fertilizer, it should be 10-10-10, for every 100 square feet of the garden area. Try as much as possible to spread the fertilizer all over the soil and also work it into the soil 3 to 4 inches deep.
How to plant the Sweet corn
One thing about Sweet corn is that they are warm-season crop and they must be planted after the soil has warms and there is no more danger of frost. Make sure you plant the Sweet corn seeds about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart in the row. Also make sure you space the rows 2½ to 3 feet apart. Once the Sweet corn plants are up, make sure you thin them to 1 foot apart. Make sure you don’t plant the Sweet corn closely.
How to water the Sweet corn
Watering the Sweet corn is very important. Sweet corn really needs water to keep it from wilting. Make sure you don’t allow the Sweet corn to suffer from lack of water when the kernels are forming.

How to harvest Sweet corn
The last stage of Sweet corn cultivation is harvest. The Sweet Corn is ready for harvest about 3 weeks after the tassel grows on top of the Sweet corn plant. You can harvest the Sweet corn when it is ripen, this is when the juice from the kernels is milky white.

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