The origin of Lentils can be traced from Mediterranean region. The botanical name for this plant is Lens culinaris, while the common name is Lentil. This particular plant is a cool-season legume. Try and make you sow the plant in spring as early as 2 weeks before the average last frost date. You can even start the plant indoors before transplanting to the garden. The seed of this plant will germinate in 10 days at 68°F. This plant actually require 80 to 110 days to come to harvest.
This plants are hardy annual. This plant is a member of the pea family. This particular plant really grows on sparsely branched vines from 18 to 24 inches tall. This plant has a small whitish to light purple pea-like flowers. The Pods are small, broad, flat and they contain one or two flat, lens-shaped seed that are green or yellow to orange, red or brown.

Tips on how to grow Lentils

The Yield of the plant: Make sure you plant 4 to 8 lentils per household member.

The Lentil Site preparation: Make sure the Lentils is planted in full sun. This plant actaully prefer loose, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. This particular plant grow best in a soil with a pH of about 6.0 and 6.5. Make sure you add aged compost to planting beds before sowing.

Lentils planting time: This plant really grow best in cool weather. Make sure you sow lentils in spring as early as two to three weeks before the average last frost date. This particular plant can be started indoors before transplanting to the garden. This plant seeds will germinate in 10 days at 68°F. This particular plant really require 80 to 110 days to come to harvest.

The Planting and spacing of the plant: Make sure you plant the lentil seeds ½ to 1 inch deep and spaced 1 inch apart. Make sure you thin successful seedlings to four to five inches apart. And also the space rows should be 18 to 24 inches apart.

The Watering and feeding of the plant: Make sure you keep the plant evenly moist. This particular plant are more drought tolerant than other beans. Make sure you don’t water the lentils once the pods have begun to dry. Make sure you add aged compost to planting beds before sowing. Make sure you side dress the lentils with compost tea when plants are 5 inches tall and again at flowering.

Some of the Lentils companion plants: The following are this plant companion; cucumbers, Potatoes, summer savory. Don’t plant Lentils with onions or garlic.

How to Care for Lentils: You can support lentils with a low trellis. If you don’t support Lentil with a trellis, make sure the lentils is set 5 inches apart to ensure ample air circulation. Try as much as possible to protect early crops from pests and frost with row covers.

Growing Lentils in container: This particular plant can be grown in containers. Make sure the plant is grow in the pot at least 8 inches deep.

Some of the Pests that attack Lentils: If  Aphids attack the lentils, you can control the aphids by pinching out infested areas or hose them off of the plant with a blast of water. If weevils attack the lentils, you can remove and destroy infested Lentil plants. Make sure you rotate the crops to avoid repeat infestations.

Some of the diseases that attack Lentils:  This particular plant have no serious disease problems.

How to harvest Lentils: This crop  are commonly used like dry beans or peas. In the case of dried seeds, you can harvest pods when they have matured and hardened. Make sure you Leave the lentils unshelled until you are ready to use them. Don’t forget that dried lentils are ready for harvest in 110 days after sowing
Some of the varieties of Lentils: This particular plant can be divided into large lentils and small lentils. Although there are dozens of varieties of each type. The main lentil varieties are small yellow ones, flat brown ones, and large pea-shaped ones.

To get a step by step guide on how to start Lentils farming you can purchase the book on AMAZON STORE. To purchase the Lentils cultivation  book click the button below.

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