This particular plant is the most perfect herb most especially for summer. If you have Basil plant in your garden you can cut the fresh Basil leaves from the garden and run back into your kitchen to add it to whatever you are cooking. Some of the most common cultivar of Basil are sweet basil or Genovese basil, although there are other culinary options like Thai, lemon, globe, and cinnamon. These cultivars are also available. The major difference between Basil and other herbs is the fact that it is a tender annual. Basil plant is very sensitive to the cold. The time to grow Basil plant is in the month of May.
Steps on how to grow Basil plant
Where to grow the plant: This plant is a wonderful addition to a container garden. Basil plant really thrives in a well-drained soil, that is positioned in a sunny window. You can also plant Basil among your tomatoes in a larger garden. Basil plant is a one-stop shop for your next caprese salad.
When to grow the plant: This particular plant is easy to sow from seed and also relatively quick to germinate. If you are planting from seed, make sure you plant the seeds about 6 weeks before the last frost. This plant is really super sensitive to the cold, which means if you are transplanting the seedlings from indoors or you have the plants in the ground, make sure you watch the early spring temperatures and cover it if necessary. Also again if you are planting a cutting or transplanting a seedling or a smaller plant, try and make sure the ground temperature is at least 70°F.
The propagation of the plant: Basil plant can be sown from seed, but in addition to sown basil from seed, a cutting of basil plant will easily root when placed in water. Make sure you select a 4 inch section of basil that has not yet flowered. The roots will form within a week. Make sure you transplant the basil directly into the garden or container once the healthy root system is apparent.
Steps on how to cultivate Basil plant
The soil requirement: This particular plant actually does its best in well-drained, moist soil with a neutral pH. You can add a rich compost to the soil at the beginning of the season. Soil amendment is not too necessary. In some case if the soil is too rich, the basil plant may lose some of its flavor intensity.
The sun requirement: This particular plant really grows well in a warm environments that receive about 6 hours of sun each day. The fact is that i have a couple of Basil plants growing in an area that receives only 4 hours of sun, although they are not as prolific as the others.
The water requirement: Make sure you give basil plant water when the soil is dry to the touch, make sure you water the Basil plant at its base and not all over its leaves.
The spacing: The spacing of the plant depends on the variety, this plant can grows anywhere from 12 to 24 inches in height. Make sure you space the plants 12 to 16 inches apart.
Some of Basil companion plant: You can plant Basil among other herbs and vegetables that has similar lighting and watering needs, like tomatoes or parsley. A lot of gardeners are saying that tomatoes taste better when they neighbor to basil. You can plant Basil alongside oregano, lettuce, peppers, and chamomile.
The harvesting of Basil
This particular herb is a pick-as-you-go kind of herb. Make sure you harvest the Basil before the plant flowers. You can harvest only up to 2/3 of the entire plant, so it can continue producing.
Furthermore, starting a commercial Basil farming can be very profitable if it is done in a proper way. If you really want to venture into commercial Basil farming you can purchase the BASIL FARMING book on Amazon store for $7. This book contains a step by step guide on how to grow Basil from seed to harvest. To purchase this book on Amazon you can click the button below.

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