Taking a good step to grow Marjoram is really a great way to add both flavor and fragrance in the kitchen or garden. This particular plant called Marjoram are also great for attracting butterflies and other beneficial insects to the garden, which actually makes them ideal to use as a companion plant. We are going to look at how to grow marjoram plant. The first thing that always come to people mind is what is Marjoram. This plant is an easy to grow herb that is well suited for growing in containers as well as in the garden. Marjaram has 3 different varieties which are sweet marjoram, pot marjoram, and wild marjoram (which is also known as common oregano). These varieties of Marjoram are popular use in the kitchen as seasoning for numerous dishes. Marjoram varieties are also grown for their enticing fragrance.
The steps on how to grow Marjoram herbs
This particular plants are tender perennials, Although Marjoram plant are typically treated as annuals as freezing temperatures can cause serious injury or death to the plants. If you actually want to grow marjoram plants, it is generally best to start the seeds indoors during late winter or early spring. Make sure you push the seeds just below the soil surface. The seedlings can be transplanted outdoors once all threat of frost has passed. The plant should be located in areas that is receiving full sun with light and a well-drained soil. This plants can be grown in containers indoors and also treated as houseplants.
How to care for Marjoram Plant
The Marjoram established plants actually require little care, rather than occasional watering. This plant is a drought tolerant which makes it an exceptional plant for beginner herb growers. By peradventure if you forget to water it, don’t border yourself so much. This plant does not actually need  fertilizer when growing. Marjoram plant is hardy enough to basically care for itself. If you grow Marjoram plants indoor take them out and placed them in sunny area during mild weather. Don’t also forget that the container-grown plants should always be moved indoors or to another sheltered location once the cold temperatures or frost is imminent.
How to harvest and dry Marjoram plants
Apart from growing marjoram plants for aesthetic purposes, a lot of people also harvest the plant for kitchen use. If you want to harvest the marjoram, just pick the shoots before the flowers begin to open. With this you will get the best flavor, when is fully opened blooms produce a bitter taste. You can bundle the Marjoram cuttings and hang them upside down in a dark, dry, well-ventilated area. If you actually know how to really grow marjoram plant, you can easily add it to your herb garden.

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