The Powder Puff Cactus is also known as Mammillaria bocasana. This particular succulent plant is an attractive cactus and is a native to central Mexico. Powder Puff Cactus (Mammillaria bocasana) is found between 5,400 and 7,500 feet (1,650 and 2,300 m) above sea level and it grows on canyon walls, in volcanic rock and in semi-desert environs, often under bushes of native plants.
Furthermore, this particular succulent plant grows rapidly and it produces small round offsets, which cluster around the parent plant. If you look at the body of the cactus is blue-green, stocky and is made up of short stems that hug the ground. If you look at the entire plant it is covered in silky white hairs that cover the reddish-brown spines (one hooked) that also coat the entire cactus. This particular succulent plant flowers are small, white, yellow, pink or red, although it depends on the cultivar that is grown.
The growing conditions and the general care of Powder Puff Cactus
This particular succulent plant needs plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures. The plant will be happy as long as the temperatures are between 70 and 80 °F (21 to 27 °C) and at least 8 hours of sunlight. In winter period, the plant will become dormant and it can be held in a dry, cool room of the house. If the plant is expose to a temperature between 60 and 65 °F (16 and 18 °C), this will help to encourage flowering in spring. Make sure you move the plant outside in summer.
Make sure the potting soil is porous so that it can drain well. Make sure you allow the soil to become nearly dry between waterings, make sure you water thoroughly. Don’t allow the pots to sit in water. Make sure you suspend watering in the winter, but mist occasionally.
Make sure you Fertilize the plant in spring with a 5-10-5 liquid fertilizer. Make sure you continue to feed the potted plant in summer, every month. Make sure you suspend fertilizer in fall and winter, when the plant is dormant. Apart from all this also make sure you watch for some pests such as whiteflies and mites.
The propagation of Powder Puff Cactus
This particular plant can be propagated from seed or offsets. Although the seedlings take a long time to form adequate plants, for this reason the best way to start some new plants is from division. Although the little offsets that cluster around the parent plant are easy to pull away. Make sure you lay the offset on the counter in a warm, dry location for a day to form a callus. Make sure you plant it in cactus mix or sandy potting soil.

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