Tiger nut also known as Cyperus esculentus belongs to the sedge family. Tiger nut is found in most places like Southern Europe, Africa and Madagascar, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. This particular plant is cultivated for its edible tubers, called earth almonds or tiger nuts, as a snack food.

The Land preparation and planting
 This plant actually grows well in sandy soil. Make sure it is loose, spongy and aerated, not compacted. The planting of Tiger nut normally take place between April and May.

The growth and the harvesting of the Tiger nut
Tiger nut plants grow until September. The Tiger nut plant dries between September and October. Make sure the tiger nut is not harvested before it is completely exhausted, this can happen between November and December. The harvesting of Tiger nut can be extended until March of the following year, and this can be done with a harvesting machine that separates the earth from the Tiger nuts.

The preparation of Tiger nut
     1. The washing: It must be washed with water in other to remove the soil, stones, stems, leaves and roots.
     2. The drying of the Tiger nut:  The fresh tuber needs to be dried. Make sure the washed tiger nut is spread on drying surfaces for about 3 months.
    3. The Selection: Once they are dried (up to about 10-11% humidity), the best Tiger nuts can be selected and packed.

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