Actually purchasing the right horse is just the first step toward proper horse ownership. They really require routine care for their health and well-being. The following are the few steps on how you can care for your horse;

-         You have to feed your horse with hay and/or grain morning and night.

-         Make sure you clean and refill the water buckets morning and night.

-         Also muck out stalls morning and night. Mucking actually means picking out the manure and urine spots.

-         Make sure you replace fresh bedding.

-         Check and pick out hooves daily.

-         Make sure you remove the blankets in the morning and replace in the evening during winter months.

-         Make sure you spray your horse with fly spray or insect repellant morning and evening during summer months.

-         Make sure you turn your horse out daily for exercise so he can walk around, stretch his legs, roll and get some fresh grass and sunshine.

-         Make sure you exercise your horse at least several times a week by riding him in the ring, on a trail or lunging him, which is exercising him on a long rein.


Furthermore, I am giving out a comprehensive training manual on how you can care for your horse. This manual contains a step by step guide on how you can care for your horse. This manual is on PDF format. To download the Complete Horse Care Manual PDF CLICK HERE 

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