The scientific name of Bell Pepper is Capsicum annuum and is actually the most colorful crop in the garden. Bell Pepper are most often found in shades of yellow, red, orange and green, you can also grow the purple, white, and brown varieties. Some Bell Pepper plants even produce a rainbow of different colored fruits on one plant. Actually Bell pepper plants grow into compact bushes with large, alternate leaves, white flowers and fruits on multiple branches. The fruits of Bell pepper plants come in miniature, standard and giant sizes from blocky square-shaped peppers with raised shoulders, to more rounded shapes with tapered bottoms. 

Furthermore, Bell pepper plants require warm temperatures to germinate and produce fruit. Like tomato plants, Bell pepper plants belong to the nightshade family, but aren't nearly as fussy about growing conditions. What you do need to know is, despite being fairly sturdy and prolific, the Bell pepper plants are vulnerable to a host of diseases, some of which can topple your pepper patch like a row of dominoes. Bell peppers don't actually pack heat like their hot pepper cousins and they can vary in taste from sweet to a more predominant "green" flavor like parsley. Eaten raw or cooked this is a versatile fruit that adds color, flavor and vitamins to a host of dishes. The foliage of all nightshade plants, including Bell peppers, is toxic to human.

Bell Pepper Plant Info

 The common name: The common names are Bell Pepper, Sweet Pepper.

 The botanical name:  The botanical name is Capsicum annuum.

 The family: Bell Pepper plants belong to Solanaceae family.

The plant type: Fruit, annual

 The size: The size is about eighteen inches to three feet tall.

The sun exposure: Bell pepper plants prefer full sun.

 The soil type: Bell pepper plant does well in fertile loam soil.

The soil pH: Neutral 6.5-7

The blooming time: The blooming time is summer.

 USDA hardiness zones: Nine to eleven.

 The native area: Bell pepper is native to Mexico, Central and South America.

 Toxicity: The foliage is toxic to human. 

Types of Bell Peppers

There are actually dozens of varieties available including heirlooms and hybrids. Many have been cultivated for disease resistance and for fruit size and color. No matter where you live, you can actually find a bell pepper to grow in your garden.

-         California Wonder bell pepper: Seventy-five days. The California Wonder bell pepper is actually one of the oldest heirlooms, deep green to red, thick-walled, medium sized fruits. High yields.

-         Sweet Chocolate Bell pepper: Seventy-five days. The Sweet Chocolate Bell pepper is a medium size heirloom fruits ripen from green to brown and develop best flavor when fully ripe.

-         Ozark Giant Bell pepper: Seventy to eighty-five days. Ozark Giant Bell pepper is a large, heirloom fruits that are thick walled and sweet. Heavy yields turn from green to red and it require staking.

-         Gourmet Bell pepper: Fifty-eight days. The Gourmet Bell pepper bears large orange fruits with thick walls and crisp, sweet flesh. The Gourmet Bell pepper is a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistant.

-         Early Sunsation Hybrid Bell pepper: Sixty-nine days. The Early Sunsation Hybrid is one of the earliest bell peppers with large, bright yellow fruits.

-         Mini Belle Blend Bell Pepper: Sixty days. The Mini Belle Blend is a tiny 1 ¼ inch fruits that turn from green to shades of yellow and red at maturity. The compact plants work well in containers. The Mini Belle Blend Bell Pepper is a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistant.

How to plant Bell Peppers

It actually takes about seventy-five days for a bell pepper to mature to its green stage and another 2 to 3 weeks to develop fully ripe color of yellow, red, orange and more, depending on the variety. Due to the time they take to mature, it's best to start the bell peppers from seed ten to twelve weeks before the last frost date, or purchase the seedlings for transplanting into the garden.

When to plant Bell Pepper

Grown as a garden vegetable annual, the bell peppers actually need heat both to germinate and to grow. The bell peppers seeds germinate best at seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit, and the established plants need daytime temperatures of seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit and above. In most growing zones, bell peppers are actually planted out in late April or early May.

Selecting a planting site

Bell peppers require six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Plant the Bell peppers in well-worked, loamy soil with good drainage. Make sure you avoid areas where nightshades grew the previous year and separate the pepper patch from tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants by planting beans in between. Bell peppers also adapt well to raised beds and container gardening.

Spacing, Depth, and Support

Place the Bell pepper plants eighteen inches apart in rows 2 ½ to three feet apart. Dig a hole deep enough so the upper portion of the Bell pepper sits at the same level as in the pot. It's okay to pinch off the seed leaves, but avoid stripping and exposing the stem. Bell peppers don't actually require staking, however plants heavy with mature fruit will benefit from a single stake for support.

Furthermore, when you start with strong, healthy transplants and you follow a fairly standard care routine, bell peppers are not hard to grow. Bell pepper plants are vulnerable to a number of diseases including bacterial, fungal and viruses. Soil borne disease can be hard to get rid of and manage so the best course is prevention by employing good garden practices: crop rotation, removing crop debris, and also improving the soil quality with compost and cover crops.

Light requirement

The Bell pepper plants need six to eight hours of direct sun daily. Make sure you avoid planting them next to taller crops like corn that block the sun.

Soil requirement

Actually a nutrient rich, loamy soil that drains very well supports disease resistance and a well-developed root system. Bell peppers thrive in soil with a balanced pH level of 6.5 to 7.

Water requirement

Bell peppers actually require one to two inches of water per week. Drip irrigation works best and soaker hoses provide the deep watering needed for the plant. Overhead watering and too much or too little water can easily lead to fungal and bacterial problems. Make sure you water early in the day to avoid wet foliage overnight.

Temperature and humidity requirement

Bell pepper plants flourish in daytime temperatures between seventy and eighty degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures between sixty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit. At ninety degrees Fahrenheit and below sixty degrees Fahrenheit blossoms can be damaged resulting in blossom drop or small, misshapen fruit. Relative humidity levels of fifty to seventy percent are sufficient. Higher levels can actually encourage color development in varieties other than green.

Fertilizer requirement

The plants are heavy feeders, the bell pepper plants benefit from scheduled applications of fertilizer. Apply one with a slightly higher NPK ratio of phosphorous such as 5-10-10 at planting time and again when blossoms set. As the fruits begin to form a balanced NPK of 10-10-10 can support development. Make sure you avoid fertilizers that are high in nitrogen early in the season which can cause excessive leafy growth instead of blossoms, buds and fruits.


The plant flowers actually have both male and female parts for self-pollination. You don't need more than one pepper plant or insect pollinators to get fruits. Cross-pollination can occur when different varieties are grown together but it won't affect the current crop. The saved seed, however, won't produce a plant the same as the parent.

How to harvest Bell Peppers

When it comes to picking your Bell peppers, it is all about color and that first frost date for your growing zone. Make sure you choose a variety with a "days to maturity" that falls within your growing season and remember, the seedlings set out too early just sit, waiting for temperatures to warm up. The number of days to maturity usually refers to the "green" stage of the fruit. If you are growing other types, add 2 to 3 weeks for the fruit to reach full color and flavor. Harvest the Bell peppers when they are uniformly colored and feel slightly heavy and solid depending on size.

You can use a sharp sterile snipper, or hand pruner to remove the fruit leaving an inch of stem attached. Bell peppers can be refrigerated for 1 to 2 weeks or washed, seeded, sliced and frozen for 8 to 10 months.

Growing Bell Peppers in pots

Due to the plant compact, bushy form, bell peppers adapt readily to growing in pots. Make sure you choose a pot at least twelve inches in diameter with plenty of drainage holes. Both plastic and ceramic pots really work well.

- Fill the pot with an organically rich potting mix. Make sure you avoid using garden soil.

- Make a hole in the center deep and wide enough to accommodate the Bell pepper seedling's root system.

- Backfill around the plant roots, gently pressing down to seat the plant but avoid compacting the soil.

- The quality and nutrient value of your potting mix will actually determine how often to add fertilizer. You can easily apply a 5-10-10 when planting and again at first bloom. You can add a balanced 10-10-10 when the fruit starts to form. Bell peppers that are grown in pots need to be watered more often than those in the ground.    

Pruning Bell pepper

Pruning is not necessary, but you can remove the branches of the plant that don't produce buds or fruit to direct energy toward the Bell peppers that is already developing. Use a good sharp, sterile hand pruner and cut the branches at their base.

How to propagate Bell Peppers

Greenhouse growers may actually offer a variety of bell pepper seedlings, but starting the plants from purchased seed greatly extends your options. Seeding is the easiest method and fresh seed gives the greatest germination rate as pepper seeds are short-lived. Start the Bell pepper seeds ten to twelve weeks before you plan to set the seedlings out in the garden. You need a tray with 1 to 2 inch cells or small pots with drainage holes, and soilless seed starting mix.

- Dampen the seed starter with warm water. Fill the cell tray or containers with the seed starter.

- Use your index finger to poke a shallow hole in the center of each container.

- Place a Bell pepper seed in each hole and then cover with seed starter.

- Cover the tray with a plastic dome or use plastic bags to cover containers.

- Place the starts in a warm location with steady temperatures of seventy-five to eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Bottom heat aids germination.

- Maintain moisture but avoid overwatering which can easily cause damping off. Watering the plant from the bottom helps. If the soil surface appears dry, you can add water.

- Once the Bell pepper seedlings emerge, remove the plastic.

- The bell peppers can be potted up when the first set of true leaves appears. Waiting until several sets of leaves are present results in a stronger stem and helps avoid damage during repotting.

- Use three to four inch pots for repotting and switch to a quality mix or add fertilizer.

- When the daytime temperatures warm up, begin hardening off your Bell pepper seedlings by placing them outside for several hours each day.

- Plant the Bell peppers in the garden when nighttime temperatures are steady at sixty degrees Fahrenheit and above. 

Pests and disease control

The healthy Bell pepper plants are not actually affected much by insect pests. Most damaging are thrips, aphids, flea beetles, pepper weevils and hornworms. The pepper weevils ruin the fruits by laying eggs in the flesh. The larvae tunnel through the inside, causing damage and rot. Hornworms can defoliate a mature plant and flea beetles can defoliate the young bell pepper seedlings.

Bell pepper plants are actually vulnerable to disease and once a fungal or bacterial infection sets in, it can spread through the patch affecting an entire crop. Bell pepper plants are particularly susceptible to fungus, the plant also can succumb to bacterial wilts and cankers. Viruses endemic to bell peppers include cucumber mosaic virus and tomato spotted wilt virus.  

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