One of the most important plant that is grown worldwide is pepper. The following are the 9 tips on how to grow a successful pepper.
1.Make sure you plant the pepper in a deep, aged-compost–rich soil. By peradventure if the soil is heavy with clay you can grow the peppers in a raised bed, make sure you add loam and sand.
2.Try as much as possible to add at least 2 inches of aged compost across the planting bed and also sprinkle with 5-10-10 organic fertilizer, also make sure you turn the soil to at least 18-inches deep.
3.Make sure you don’t rush the peppers into the garden. Also make sure you don’t plant the peppers at the same time you plant your tomatoes. Also make sure that the soil temperature is 65°F or greater in the morning before you transplant the peppers into the garden.
4.Make sure you put the seedlings in a warm, sheltered place outdoors for a few hours each day to harden them off. Make sure you do it for about 10 days before transplanting. Make sure you don’t transplant the peppers out until the overnight temperatures is greater than 60°F.
5.Make sure the peppers are closely spaced. Make sure that the leaves of the mature pepper plants is touching each other. Make sure you set the bell peppers 18 inches apart and the hot peppers 12 inches apart.
6.Make sure you feed the peppers at transplant time. Try as much as possible to dig a hole of about 6 inches deep, then add 2-inch layer of aged compost and a handful of 5-10-10 organic fertilizer. Make sure you mix it well at the bottom of the hole. You can now set the plant in the hole.
7.Make sure you add rock phosphate to the bottom of the planting hole at the time of transplant, this will really help to prevent blossom end rot.
8.Make sure you set the peppers seedlings in the transplant hole slightly deeper than the soil level.
9.During the early season make sure you protect the young plants from cold and pest insects by covering the growing bed with a floating row cover.
These are the 9 tips on how to grow a successful pepper. Wish you all the best.

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